Our projects
Bitcoin Ox
The Bitcoin OX Wallet is the safest exchange wallet which helps you store, send and receive crypto. You can transact with anyone all over the world and transform the crypto system right from your pocket for FREE
Bitcoin Ox
The Bitcoin OX Wallet is the safest exchange wallet which helps you store, send and receive crypto. You can transact with anyone all over the world and transform the crypto system right from your pocket for FREE

Cryptocurrency, e-commerce


- develop a secure cryptocurrency wallet

- multicurrency

-the ability to exchange currencies between wallets



·      Project Manager

·       Business Analyst

·       System Analyst

·       Web Designers

·       Layout Designer

·       Web Developers

·       DB Designer

·       Mobile Developers

·       QA Engineers

·       Support Engineers



-C ++



-Qt Creator

Technologies that were used
while working on the project
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